Machine for artisan ice cream
Machine for artisan ice cream

Machine for artisan ice cream

Pasterizatori Mixcream

Mixcream is a cream cooker of the latest generation that allows the production of many pastry products. Perfect creams thanks to the innovative agitation system that reproduces the Pastry Chef’s movements. A special junction of the “sail” blade, thanks to a particular spring, allows the production of extremely soft and smooth creams with no lumps. At every turn of the stirrer, the mixture is pushed towards the tank wall by the “sail” blade and becomes more and more refined. The scraper then collects the residual cream from the tank wall and put it in circulation again for further refining.

Smart cooling thanks to the cooling surface of the tank split in 2 sections. This allows an automatic (or manual) total or half cooling: the result is the smoothness in the cooling of the egg cream and the same high quality also for low quantity of the product inside the tank. Furthermore, thanks to the Bravo’s patented use of speed variators of the latest generation the machine manages the mixing speed of the cream in accordance with the cream features.

Bravo Mixcream is available in 3 models - 18, 36, 56 liters.
